Landscape Project
In an effort to better maintain our common areas we asked Texas A&M's Horticulture Department to assist us with revitalizing our landscaping. Most of the plantings were done 20+ years ago and need some attention. We are sharing the results of their work in the files below. Thanks to Gerald Burgner and his students for the hours spent on the survey and the presentations.
UPDATE 01/15/2022
At our last annual board meeting, discussion was held about the need to update our neighborhood landscaping, specifically the dead/dying shrubs and the broken irrigation lines. Recall the presentation from our A&M Horticulturalist who had a team of students develop landscaping and irrigation recommendations that could be implemented over a period of time. A committee of homeowners was formed and it was decided to pilot two sections of fence line with predominantly dead shrubs. One section will be re-landscaped with water-wise plants and the other with a more traditional look. We solicited bids to have this work done and the bid was awarded to Grassroots Landscaping. A drawing of what the landscaping will look like in the coming months is below.

We are in the process of forming a landscape committee for neighborhood input in redesigning the areas that need the most help beginning with a test plot in an area of Edelweiss Estates TBD. Please send an email to if you would like to serve.
Message sent to Committee 10/30/21
"This week Jeff, Scott Simpson, and I (Jenna Anding) met with individuals from the City of College Station regarding the Rock Prairie road widening project. To get ready for widening the road, the City will be taking down 3 crepe myrtles and 2 oak trees in the median just east of the entrance to Covenant Presbyterian Church and Suzanne's School of Dance. This will make way for a longer left turn lane onto Wellborn Road from our subdivision. As we understand it, the work is likely to begin next week.
A representative from Green Teams was there as well and Jeff and I used this opportunity to discuss our two test plots for new vegetation and irrigation. We are getting bids from them and two other landscaping companies to do the work. Topics discussed were new controllers with battery operated BlueTooth technology and what we might need to do to get water where it's not supplying enough water now. We also discussed with the representative from Green Teams their obligations, according to the contract, which include checking irrigation monthly and trimming shrubs. We mentioned to Green Teams the need to completely pull out everything in the two test plots and asked (in a nice way) whether this is covered in the contract or if this is extra."